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Draining an Abscess

Draining an Abscess

An abscess is a painful, pus-filled bump that is usually caused by a bacterial infection and can occur anywhere in the body. There are 2 types of abscesses:

Skin abscesses, which occur under the skin.

Internal abscesses that occur inside the body, in an organ, or in the spaces between organs.


• Pain in the affected area

• High temperature

• Feeling unwell

• The abscess may become larger and more painful.

 Treatment method: 

A small skin abscess may drain naturally or simply shrink, dry, and disappear without any treatment. However, larger abscesses may need to be treated with antibiotics to clear the infection and may need to be drained. This is usually done by inserting a needle into the skin or by making a small cut in the skin over the abscess.

Length of stay in Iran: 3 days 

Stay in the hospital: 1 day 

Full recovery time: the same day 

Return to the work: immediately after returning to the country of origin 

Duration of surgery: 15 minutes 

Type of anesthesia: none

Price: 23$ (per one)

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