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Mole Removal

Mole Removal

Moles are benign lesions that are caused by the proliferation of skin melanocyte cells (melanin-producing factor). Moles are very common and occur in every person, but their prevalence increases with age and reaches a maximum during puberty. The number reaches its own. During puberty and pregnancy, the size and pigmentation (color) of moles increase, and exposure to sunlight intensifies the number and pigmentation of moles. Also, benign moles should be distinguished from malignant or suspicious moles; so it is necessary to continuously monitor the mole and examine it.

Symptoms: Simple moles can be divided into three categories:




Moles are seen in childhood in the form of junctional, flat and light brown to black. Compound moles are brown and fleshy with a slight bump on the surface of the skin. Dermal moles are usually dome-shaped and brown and sometimes skin-colored. Benign moles are mainly removed for cosmetic reasons and are one of the most common reasons for visiting dermatologists.

Treatment method: moles are surgically removed after injection of anesthetic in three ways:


2-simple punch excision,

3-excisional surgery and suturing

1- Shaving: It is a simple, fast and effective way to remove popular lesions and small moles after injection of anesthetic. In this method, good aesthetic results are obtained, the reason for which is less scarring and more appropriate repair due to the re-epithelialization of the epithelium around the hair follicle, and there is no need to stitch in this method. This method has a higher chance of recurrence than surgery with stitches.

2- Simple punch excision is a technique that is performed using a device called a single-use punch after injecting anesthetic. This technique is easy to perform and causes a simple wound on the skin, which is stitched if necessary.

3- Excisional surgery and suturing are used to completely remove superficial skin lesions or take samples of skin lesions after injection of anesthetic by the attending physician. After surgery and complete removal of the lesion, the mole is sutured.

The length of stay in Iran: according to the length of the treatment period, at least 1 week
Stay in the hospital: on an outpatient basis - less than one day
Full recovery time: 2 weeks
Return to the work: if there are stitches (after 10 days) - If there are no sutures (after 2 days)
Duration of surgery: 30 minutes
Type of anesthesia: local anesthesia

Price: 30 $ (per one)

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