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Pemphigus disease is an autoimmune disease (the body's immune system fights against itself for an unknown cause) blistering, non-infectious and non-contagious, which takes a long time to treat. Blisters are caused by the loss of skin layers continuity, that can be associated with fluid accumulation. The most common age of outbreak is the fourth and fifth decades of life. The cause of the disease is unknown, but its association with some diseases or the use of some drugs has been proven. There are different types of pemphigus, including pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus, which can be associated with skin and mucous membrane involvemen.


  •      Loose blisters in any part of the skin, sometimes painful
  •      Positive Nikolsky sign means blisters with pressure and stretching of healthy skin
  •      Oral lesions in the form of irregular and painful abrasions with occasional bleeding and slow healing
  •      Being painful areas caused by the rupture of the blisters and disgusting smell caused by the liquid in the blister

:Treatment method

Diagnosis is possible through clinical, laboratory and skin sampling findings. The treatment is based on four main principles:

  1. Proper medicine’s consumption
  2. Full ovservation with hygiene principles
  3. Adherence to proper diet
  4. Avoiding stress and mental-psychological and emotional tensions

Drug treatment:

• oral corticosteroids

• immunosuppressive drugs such as azaram, cyclophosphamide

• plasmapheresis to reduce antibodies

• take other drugs such as dapsone, cyclosporine, etc.

• topical treatment such as silver sulfadiazine, permanganate , clobetasol, moprocin, ketoconazole

• mouthwashes

• use of biological drugs

Length of stay in Iran: proportional to the length of the treatment period, at least a week

Stay in the hospital: at least 7 to 10 days (in acute cases, the length of hospitalization is longer)

Full recovery period: 1 to 2 months (the disease is chronic and its treatment takes time)

Return to the work: if the symptoms decrease, it is possible to back to work after 1 month


Price: 400 - 500 $ (without the cost of biological drug)

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