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Photona 4D rejuvenation laser

Photona 4D rejuvenation laser

Photona four-dimensional laser rejuvenation is an outpatient procedure that is treated specifically for wrinkles or scars in certain areas of the face, or the entire face may undergo laser rejuvenation. Rejuvenation laser in four stages and in four dimensions reduces laugh lines, and superficial skin wrinkles tighten the skin, and peel and cleans the skin. The best method is to tighten the skin and prevent sagging of the lower half of the face, which usually cannot be done by other rejuvenation methods such as filler and botox injections in this area. This laser can also be used for the neck and nape areas and it causes collagen production and prevents sagging of the nape and neck. This laser is without complications, injections, and without pain and can be performed in all seasons of the year.

Symptoms: Rejuvenation lasers can play a significant role in improving skin damaged by prolonged contact with the sun, skin damaged by acne scars, and skin aging.

Treatment method: Fractional lasers cause the skin to look younger by creating narrow columns of skin damage and stimulating skin regeneration. This treatment method can be performed alone or together with other cosmetic surgeries. 

• In the first step, to determine that you are a suitable candidate for this laser, you need to consult with a specialist doctor. 

• Inform your doctor about the history of herpes, especially around the mouth, because these lasers can stimulate the spread of skin herpes if you don't receive the right medicine.

• If you are taking other drugs or supplements such as vitamin E, aspirin, or ibuprofen, be sure to inform your doctor because these drugs can affect blood coagulation. Avoid smoking after the laser because smoking can delay the healing process.

• You can use local numbing creams half an hour to 40 minutes before the laser to reduce the pain during the procedure. The treatment of the whole face usually takes 40 minutes to 1 hour. 

• After the laser, topical creams are used on the laser area and a simple dressing is used for 2 to 3 hours. 

• Up to one week after the laser, you may have a feeling of stretch in the skin and flaking, so it is recommended to use moisturizer and sunscreen.

Length of stay in Iran: 3 days

Stay in the hospital: outpatient (1 to 2 hours)

Full recovery time: In order to achieve the desired result, repeat treatment sessions at intervals of one month and then every 6 months until It is recommended once a year.

Return to the work: immediately after returning to the country of origin

Duration of surgery: None Type of anesthesia: None

Price: 250-300 $ (each session)

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