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Sclerotherapy is a treatment method that is used to treat varicose veins and spider veins. By injecting a chemical into the vein, the doctor closes the vein. The vein remains in the same place, but blood no longer passes through it, and the blood that normally flowed through that vein returns to the heart through another way.

Treatment method:

sclerotherapy can be performed on an outpatient basis with local anesthesia. Photography is recommended before each treatment session. Keep the following points in mind before the treatment:

• The vein may become pale, but not disappear completely.

• Sometimes a dark color change occurs in the skin at the injection site.

• Sometimes several treatment sessions are necessary for a better result.

• Treatment results, even in the best case, not very predictable. Roughly, a 60-80% recovery is expected.

Length of stay in Iran: 3 days

Stay in the hospital: 1 day

Full recovery time: 2 weeks

Return to the work: immediately after returning to the country of origin

Length of procedure: 1 hour

Type of anesthesia: local anesthesia

Price: 47 $ (per one)

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