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Treatment of skin cancers (BCC-SCC)

Treatment of skin cancers (BCC-SCC)

There are several types of skin cancer and it first appears with precancerous lesions. Precancerous lesions are skin lesions that are not cancerous but become cancerous over time. There are different types of skin cancer, the main difference of which is based on the type of cell that develops cancer. Its 3 main types are:

  1. Basic cancers (BCC)
  2. Squamous cell cancer (SCC)
  3. Malignant melanomas


 1- Basal cell cancer (BCC) is the most common type of skin cancer. These lesions usually appear as red, shiny skin bumps with a pearl-like border that do not heal over time. This type of skin cancer is more common in areas exposed to the sun, such as the head and neck, and sometimes on the limbs and trunk. BCC grows very slowly and gradually spreads to the deep and surrounding tissues. Invasion to the surrounding area is very rare, but it is possible by local invasion of the surrounding tissues, causing their destruction.

2- Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) may appear as a bump or a red scaly spot. This cancer is the second most common skin cancer in patients with light skin color and has the highest prevalence in open areas of the skin that are in exposure with the sun. it has the highest prevalence. Although the aforementioned cancer usually remains limited to the upper layers for a while, if left untreated, it eventually penetrates into the deep tissues. In a small number of patients, it spreads through blood circulation to other tissues that are far from the main lesion, which can be fatal.

Because long-term and chronic contact with sunlight is the most important cause of this cancer, therefore, these tumors mostly have been seen on uncovered areas of the body (such as the face, neck, hairless skin, hands, shoulders, arms, and back). The earlobe and lower lip are especially at risk.

Treatment method:

 According to the doctor's opinion, one of the following methods may be used for treatment:

• Surgery

• Trimming and burning the lesion (cauter)

• Freezing by liquid nitrogen

• Irradiation of X-rays to treat the tumor

• Use of a laser to cut and remove the tumor

Length of stay in Iran: 7 to 10 days

Stay in the hospital:

• Outpatient visit to the clinic at least 2 days before the operation to visit and perform diagnostic procedures

•  2 days of hospitalization in the surgery ward

• Outpatient visit to the clinic one week after the operation

Duration of full recovery:

• Suture removal one week after the operation

• The necessity of following up on the pathology results one month after the operation to determine the continuation of the treatment

Return to the work: 10 days after the operation

Duration of surgery: 30 to 45 minutes

Type of anesthesia: general


Price: 800$

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