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Radioactive Iodine Treatment of Hyperthyroidism

Radioactive Iodine Treatment of Hyperthyroidism

According to the physician, in some thyroid diseases such as hyperthyroidism, this treatment is a suitable alternative to thyroid surgery. Consistent with the usual radioactive dose used in iodine therapy, patients are treated on an outpatient basis. With the diagnosis of a specialist doctor, the patient can receive different doses from 10 to 30 millicuries.

Important points before taking iodine:

- Women should have a negative pregnancy test before taking iodine.

- Levothyroxine tablets (4 weeks), liothyronine tablets (2 weeks), methimazole tablets (3 to 5 days), and propylthiouracil tablets (1 week) should be stopped before.

- From 3 hours before receiving iodine, the patient should not eat anything.

- Avoid the following foods one to two weeks before: dairy products, rhubarb and cherries, iodized salt, seafood, all canned foods, egg yolks, fast food, nuts and dried fruits, sauces, carbonated soft drinks

- 24 hours after consuming iodine, the patient can return to own normal diet.

- For three hours after iodine treatment, avoidance of the patient from eating.

- High consumption of liquids in the first 48 hours to eliminate radioactive disposal.

- Avoid being close to people for up to a week (must be alone and in a separate room).

- Avoid exposure to pregnant women and children up to 2 weeks.

- Lactating women should avoid breastfeeding for 10 months to one year.

- Using disposable dishes and separate toilets for at least a week.

- Wash the toilet with water at least twice after each use.

- Not using public transportation for a week.

Length of hospitalization: 1 working day

Approximate length of stay in Iran: 3 days

Price: 50-100$

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