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LASIK involves performing corneal surgery using an excimer laser to reduce or correct refractive errors of the eye.

This surgery is performed at Tehran University of Medical Sciences by renowned professors using the latest equipment.

* Who can undergo excimer laser surgery?

People who are at least 19 years old, have a fixed Eye number for at least 1/5 years, and have full vision with glasses, no eye or physical disease that limits the results of the operation, and have corneal imaging that meets the criteria for surgery. Individuals with thin corneas or keratoconus are not candidates for laser surgery.

Are different laser devices effective in LASIK surgery outcomes?

Yes, more advanced devices (such as the one available at Farabi Hospital) provide better visual outcomes.

Length of hospital stay: None

Type of anesthesia: None

** The cost covers surgery for both eyes **

Price: 455$

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