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Eyebrow Lift

Eyebrow Lift

Sagging and the lowering of the outer corners of the eyebrows compared to the ideal position can make the face appear sad or depressed. In such cases, eyebrow lifting surgery can lift the corners of the eyebrows and give you a more beautiful, youthful, and refreshed appearance. In some cases, in addition to eyebrow lifting surgery, other procedures such as forehead lifting, eyelid surgery, Botox injections, or others may be needed.

Techniques for Eyebrow Lift:

  • Endoscopic Eyebrow Lift: In this method, several small incisions are made behind the hairline. A thin tube with a light and a small camera at its tip is inserted through one of the incisions to view the underlying muscles and tissues. The surgeon uses tools inserted through another incision to lift the forehead tissues and secure them with sutures, small screws, or other techniques. The incisions are then closed with sutures or small clips.
  • Open Eyebrow Lift: This method involves small incisions made directly behind the hairline near the temples.
  • Direct Eyebrow Lift: This technique involves removing skin above the eyebrows and is typically done for individuals with thick eyebrows.
  • Coronal Eyebrow Lift: This method involves making an incision behind the hairline at the top of the head, from ear to ear, or mostly along the scalp. The forehead skin is pulled upwards so that the scalp in front of the incision covers the skin behind it. The overlapping scalp skin is then removed, and the remaining scalp is stitched together. This method is generally avoided for individuals with long hairlines, thin hair, or those at risk of hair loss.
  • Hairline Eyebrow Lift: For this method, an incision is made between the forehead and the beginning of the hairline. A small amount of skin and tissue is removed from the upper forehead instead of the scalp. This can correct a high hairline.

Eyebrow lifts are typically used when someone has a receding or high hairline. However, depending on the placement of the incisions, scar healing, and hair model, a scar may be visible along the hairline. Eyebrow lift surgery generally takes about 1 to 2 hours.

Duration of Stay in Iran: 2 weeks

Hospital Stay: 2 days

Full Recovery Time: 7 to 10 days

Return to Work: 14 days after surgery

Surgery Duration: 1.5 to 2 hours

Anesthesia: General anesthesia

Price: $1100

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