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Diagnostic Ureteroscopy

Diagnostic Ureteroscopy

Ureteroscopy is a diagnostic and therapeutic method for kidney stones that have entered the ureters. It is considered a type of endoscopy for the urinary system, as the urologist can thoroughly examine all areas of the urinary tract. This method is used for individuals who experience pain and burning during urination or are suspected of having kidney stones. Depending on the location, size, and type of kidney stone, ureteroscopy can also be used as a treatment.

Symptoms: Pain and burning sensation during urination.

Treatment Method in the Hospital: The patient lies on their back in the lithotomy position (legs raised at a 90-degree angle). A narrow, flexible tube called a cystoscope, equipped with a camera at its end, is inserted through the urinary tract to examine the bladder. A sterile solution is injected to improve visibility of the bladder. The ureteroscope is then advanced to the ureters. The exact location of the stone is identified, and if necessary, the procedure is extended to the kidneys. A wire basket is introduced through the ureteroscope to break the stones. If the ureteral stone is large, it is fragmented using a holmium laser. Finally, the ureteroscope is removed, and the sterile solution is drained from the bladder.

Duration of Stay in Iran: 2 weeks

Hospital Stay Duration: 1 day

Full Recovery Time: 2-3 days

Return to Work: 2-3 days

Surgery Duration: Diagnostic ureteroscopy takes about 30 minutes, but related procedures (including laser and stone fragmentation) take about 1 to 2 hours.

Type of Anesthesia: General anesthesia


Price: $462

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