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Orchiopexy is a surgical procedure to move a testicle from the groin area (inguinal region) to the scrotum. This method permanently fixes the testicle in the scrotum. Orchiopexy can also correct testicular torsion and prevent its recurrence.

Testicular torsion, undescended testicle

Treatment Method in the Hospital:

If the patient has testicular torsion, the surgeon will make a small incision in the scrotum. The spermatic cord is opened, and the testicle is examined. If the testicle appears healthy, it is sewn into the scrotum to prevent further twisting. If the testicle is unhealthy, it may be removed and replaced with a testicular prosthesis. The surgeon will then close the incision with sutures.
If the testicle is undescended, a pediatric surgeon will make a small incision in the groin area and locate the undescended testicle and spermatic cord. The surgeon will examine the testicle to ensure it is healthy. If it appears unhealthy, the testicle may be removed and replaced with a prosthetic one. The surgeon will examine the groin area and, if necessary, repair any hernia. The spermatic cord will also be checked to ensure it is long enough to reach the scrotum without tension. If it is too short, the hernia sac will be stitched to provide enough length. Next, the surgeon will make a small incision in the scrotum to create a pocket (dartos pouch) to hold the testicle. The surgeon will then carefully pull the undescended testicle into the pouch, securing it with dissolvable sutures that dissolve after one to two weeks. Finally, dissolvable sutures will be used to close both incisions.

Duration of Stay in Iran: 1 week to 10 days

Hospital Stay Duration: 2–3 days

Full Recovery Time: 1 week

Return to Work: 2 weeks

Surgery Duration: 1 to 2 hours, depending on the location of the testicle

Type of Anesthesia: Spinal anesthesia


Price: $520

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