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Radical Cystectomy (Bladder Cancer Surgery)
Bladder cancer has various stages. When the cancerous tissue penetrates the superficial layers of the mucosa or reaches the bladder muscle, at this stage, simply removing the bladder tumor is no longer effective, and a more extensive surgery is required. Radical cystectomy is performed for the patient in such cases.
Symptoms: Presence of blood in urine, particularly in smokers or individuals working in industries related to dyeing. In some cases, the patient may not have any specific risk factors.
Treatment Method in the Hospital: In this surgery, the bladder is completely removed, along with the prostate. Instead of the bladder, a urinary reservoir is created from the patient’s small intestine, and the ureters are connected to this new reservoir. A portion of the intestine is used as the new bladder and is brought out of the abdomen, becoming the permanent passage for urine. It is recommended that patients undergo chemotherapy under the supervision of an oncology specialist before the surgery. However, if chemotherapy is not performed, the surgery should not be delayed.
Duration of Stay in Iran: 1 month
Hospital Stay Duration: At least 10 days
Full Recovery Time: 2-3 months
Return to Work: Depending on the nature of the patient’s job (light or heavy), from 1 to 6 months
Surgery Duration: 3-7 hours
Type of Anesthesia: General anesthesia
Price: $4620
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