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Unilateral Hydrocele

Unilateral Hydrocele

A hydrocele is the accumulation of fluid around the testicle, secreted by one of the coverings of the testicle. In most cases, it is a harmless condition that does not cause any problems for the patient. However, in 10% of cases, it may be caused by a serious condition, such as testicular cancer. Hydrocele is usually unilateral but can sometimes be bilateral.

Symptoms: Painless swelling of the testicle. Diagnosis is confirmed by physical examination and ultrasound. Ultrasound of the scrotum can easily diagnose hydrocele as well as other conditions, such as hernia and testicular cancer.

Treatment Method in the Hospital: Surgical intervention is the only treatment option. Hydrocele surgery is simple and minimally invasive. Aspiration of fluid around the testicle with a syringe is ineffective (as the fluid usually reaccumulates after a few days) and carries the risk of infection and disruption of the lymphatic pathways of the testicle. The preservation of the testicular lymphatic pathways is crucial for the treatment of testicular cancer. A delayed surgery leads to increased scrotal size and a less aesthetically pleasing outcome. In the procedure, only the covering causing fluid secretion is removed, leaving the testicle sac intact. If the sac is excessively enlarged, it may not return to its original size post-surgery and will remain larger than the unaffected side.

Duration of Stay in Iran: 1 week

Hospital Stay Duration: 1-2 days

Full Recovery Time: 1 week

Return to Work: 1 week

Surgery Duration: 1 hour

Type of Anesthesia: Spinal


Price: $924

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